Don't ask for information on Quandary's East Ridge in August. There's no faster way to rile up the masses. If you have a question about the 14ers, it's already been posed and answered at least a dozen times. Invest energy in doing your own research. I promise, it's more fulfulling. The search function on the forum is easy to use, and there are thousands of archived trip reports containing everything you need to know. Nearly a half-dozen guidebooks specific to the 14ers exist. Pick one (or several) and read them. Still have a question? Frame it in a thoughtful, intelligent way and post it on the forum or Facebook group. The answers will arrive within minutes.
2. Do Your Homework
I can't emphasize this enough. Whether it's arrogance or naivety, too many people head into the backcountry with little to no information. Study your intended route. Read trip reports. A shockingly large number of accidents are caused by hikers getting off-route, and it's heartbreaking that many of these are avoidable. Fancy GPS units with programmed waypoints are a nice supplement, but they're not a replacement for genuine knowledge and intuition. A map is essential. There's no excuse for not carrying one -- free software such as is readily available for easy printing.
3. Be Self Sufficient
Traveling in groups is a double-edged sword. Yes, there's an added measure of safety. The dynamics can also lead to a false sense of security. Regardless of party size, always ask yourself: "Could I make it up and down this mountain on my own, survive a night out if I become stranded, and somehow get the attention of Search & Rescue if necessary?" If the answer is no, pick another objective.
Carry and know how to use the 10 Essentials (see video below). Either bring more water than you think you'll need or a purification system. Most 14er routes cross or follow streams -- if you do your homework (hinthint), you'll know where to find them. If you don't want to invest in or haul a traditional filter, iodine tablets are cheap and weigh next to nothing. Sure, they taste terrible, but that's preferable to dehydration.
Yeah, that 5 a.m. alarm sucks. It's also your ticket to safety and success. A summer afternoon free of thunderstorms is rare in the Colorado high country. The risk of death via lightning may be overblown, but no one that's been caught above treeline in a thunderstorm is jumping to repeat the experience. For most 14er routes I aim to start at first light, which generally comes between 6-7 a.m. I'll start earlier for high-mileage days. Just get up and go. Missing out on an hour of sleep is better than having to turn around or putting yourself in a life-threatening situation.
5. Leave No Trace
I wish I was kidding, but last summer I saw a group hitting golf balls off Grays Peak. People have left lawn chairs, grills, toasters, flags and even human excrement on summits. On top of these extravagant affronts, there's the routine garbage such as food wrappers and discarded summit signs. The Front Range is attracting more and more people, and the overcrowding on 14ers is only going to get worse. Respect the resource; leave the backcountry as you found it. Take your summit signs down with you (or better yet, don't bring them in the first place), remove your trash, dispose properly of human waste, camp responsibly, follow Wilderness and Forest Service guidelines and most importantly, don't be a golf ball-hitting jackass.
Pictures: 3 (one rotated off-axis)
Words: "We climbed Quandry yesterday. It was crowded. Dan had a peanut butter sandwich on the summit. I could see Pike's Peak. On the way down I tripped on a loose rock. Overall the hike was fun."
Would you want to read that? No one else does, either.
(It's Quandary Peak, by the way. Mt. Lindsey. Longs Peak. Pikes Peak. Mt. Bierstadt. Grays Peak. Torreys Peak.)
Writing a trip report should be fun. Don't make it work, you're not getting paid for it. Relive your experience and inject some energy into the content. Tell the story of your hike. Include personal anecdotes, or if that's not your thing, provide unique details about the route and trail conditions. Trip reports are personal endeavors. Photographer with no interest in writing? Share a photo essay. English major with nothing but a flip-phone camera? Stretch that sucker out to 1,500 words. Bottom line, make the report interesting. Consider your audience and what they want to see, know and hear -- then deliver.
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Standard crowded 14er summit. |
6. Respect Other Trail Users
We all hike for our own reasons, using our own methods. Want to smoke pot, let your dog off leash or blast music from a portable speaker? I'm not going to turn you in to the fun police -- as long as you aren't disturbing the experience of other hikers. Leash the dog if it's being a nuisance, find a spot off trail to smoke and turn down the music when you see other people approaching. If someone is faster than you, let them pass. Give a brief greeting to people heading the opposite direction and yield the trail if necessary. (The general agreement is that uphill hikers have the right-of-way, but most of them won't pass up a chance to stop for a breather. Communicate.) Mutual respect really isn't that hard.
7. The Mountain Ain't Going Anywhere
Smart decision making is not synonymous with failure. Many hikers consider it a point of pride to have only turned back "X number of times" because of weather, fatigue or other factors. It's not. There's more honor in good judgment than putting yourself in a dangerous situation to tag a meaningless summit. Listen to your body. Trust your instincts. Watch the sky. Turn around if necessary and return to the mountain when conditions are more favorable. Not only will you reduce the risks, I guarantee you'll also have a more enjoyable summit.
My first time on Capitol I called it quits at the subsummit "K2" because of slick rock, cloudy skies and a forecast that called for an 80 percent chance of thunderstorms after 9 a.m. Most of my party continued on, summited in a whiteout and safely returned to camp. The lightning started soon after. I returned three weeks later on a warm, cloudless day. Even with the benefit of hindsight and knowing my friends experienced no major issues on the first trip, I'd make that same decision 10 out of 10 times. You can only toss so many dice before you roll snake eyes.
My first time on Capitol I called it quits at the subsummit "K2" because of slick rock, cloudy skies and a forecast that called for an 80 percent chance of thunderstorms after 9 a.m. Most of my party continued on, summited in a whiteout and safely returned to camp. The lightning started soon after. I returned three weeks later on a warm, cloudless day. Even with the benefit of hindsight and knowing my friends experienced no major issues on the first trip, I'd make that same decision 10 out of 10 times. You can only toss so many dice before you roll snake eyes.
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A gloomy morning on "K2." |
8. Put Effort into a Trip Report
Title: "Mt. Quandry - East Ridge"Pictures: 3 (one rotated off-axis)
Words: "We climbed Quandry yesterday. It was crowded. Dan had a peanut butter sandwich on the summit. I could see Pike's Peak. On the way down I tripped on a loose rock. Overall the hike was fun."
Would you want to read that? No one else does, either.
(It's Quandary Peak, by the way. Mt. Lindsey. Longs Peak. Pikes Peak. Mt. Bierstadt. Grays Peak. Torreys Peak.)
Writing a trip report should be fun. Don't make it work, you're not getting paid for it. Relive your experience and inject some energy into the content. Tell the story of your hike. Include personal anecdotes, or if that's not your thing, provide unique details about the route and trail conditions. Trip reports are personal endeavors. Photographer with no interest in writing? Share a photo essay. English major with nothing but a flip-phone camera? Stretch that sucker out to 1,500 words. Bottom line, make the report interesting. Consider your audience and what they want to see, know and hear -- then deliver.
9. Share the Stoke
Whether you took a vacation from sea level to hike Mt. Sherman or just jogged Capitol Peak as a daytrip, you've just notched an awesome life accomplishment. Celebrate it. Share your photos on Facebook. Write a trip report or blog post. Blow up Instagram for a week. It's OK to be proud of yourself. More importantly, fellow hikers will benefit from your reports on conditions, the route and the overall experience. It's easy for veteran climbers to forget what it was like to try their first summit, first Class 3 or first couloir. It's always on to the next challenge, with little time for the rear-view mirror. Forget 'em. For every blowhard rolling their eyes at your accomplishment, there are 10 people who will find it inspiring.
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Me (left), exhibiting my stance on selfie sticks. But hey, to each their own. |
10. Stay Humble
You are not a special snowflake. Regardless what you've accomplished, many people came before and many more will follow. Narcissism is a widespread disease in the climbing community. It's a constant game of oneupsmanship. An impressive climbing resume does not make you an awesome person. To be honest, no one except you cares. Even if you've finished the 14ers and climbed Denali, it's not an excuse to talk down to or consider yourself above a fellow human being. Mountaineering often serves as a cornerstone for a climber's sense of personal worth, and I'm not saying that you shouldn't embrace those self-esteem boosts. They're awesome. Just don't let your head get lost in the clouds. It happens all too often.
11. Enjoy the Experience
There is no parade or world-shattering epiphany when you finish the 14ers. Life beats on as it always has. You get a little street cred, a certificate from the Colorado Mountain Club and a sentence for the "Other" section of your resume. That's about it. So, what's the rush? Swap those three-peak sufferfest weekends for setting up camp in Yankee Boy Basin and climbing only Mt. Sneffels. Breathe the mountain air, observe the wildflowers, linger on campfire conversations, pause to ponder the world under a twinkling blanket of stars. Those are the moments you'll remember, not your round-trip time on Pyramid Peak.![]() |
Slow down and enjoy the ride. |
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